Incident Management Specialist LLC

"Mentoring Masters of Disasters"

Incident Management Specialist LLC provides
​NWCG approved Wildfire/Forest Fire Training...

Our Instructors are the best because they are…

Certified nationally to instruct the National Wildfire Coordinating Group courses

Qualified at the Type 2 NWCG Incident Management Team level & have worked in the position

Participate three times annually in wildfire assignments to maintain proficiency in their job skills. This assures that the students are receiving high quality instruction. 

Have completed NWCG courses as students which give them a greater understanding of how the courses need to be delivered so that the students leave the course with a strong understanding of the position they will be filling.

Our company provides the following formal classroom and online NWCG courses...

 S-110 Basic Fire Organization
S-110 Basic Fire Organization (Online Version)
S-130 Basic Fire Fighting
S-130 Basic Fire Fighting (Online Version)
S-131 Firefighter Type 1
S-133 Look Up, Look Down, Look Around
S-134 LCES
S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior
S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior (Online Version)
S-200 Initial Attack Incident Commander
S-211 Portable Pumps and Water Use
S-212 Wildland Fire Chain Saws
S-214 Fire Operations Dozer Boss
S-215 Fire Operations in the Wildland Urban Interface

S-219 Firing Operations (formerly S-234 Ignition Operations)
S-230 Crew Boss
S-231 Engine Boss
S-232 Dozer Boss
S-233 Tractor/Plow Boss
S-248 Status/Check In
S-260 Interagency Incident Fire Business Principles
S-260 Interagency Incident Fire Business Principles (Online Version)
S-261 Applied Interagency Incident Business Management
S-270 Basic Air Operations
S-273 Single Engine Air Tanker Manager
S-290 Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior
S-290 Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior (Online Version)
S-300 Extended Attack Incident Commander
S-390 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior Calculations
S-420 Command and General Staff
L-180 Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service
L-280 Fellowship Leadership
RT-130 Annual Fireline Safety Refresher

​If you are interested in taking an online version of one of the online courses, we will assign a qualified mentor to assist you for an unlimited amount of time while you are taking the course. We coordinate the delivery of the required one day in-classroom/outdoor session so that the student can receive national certification for the course.

To read a description of each course, follow this link to the NWCG Field Course Managers Guide webpage then read the descriptions for each course.