Incident Management Specialist LLC

"Mentoring Masters of Disasters"

  • Deliver FEMA - National Incident Management System (NIMS) Incident Command System compliant training courses at the I-100 to I- 400 level and the fifteen new Emergency Management Institute position specific courses for the Command and General Staff positions used on an incident management team.  


  • Credentialing and taskbook services for individuals and incident management teams. 

  • Design and delivery of tabletop, functional and full scale exercises We also develop customized exercises for the client using tactical decision game models that use 3D Simulation or a Sandtable.

  • The development of Incident Management Teams by developing a plan that identifies the steps necessary to develop and maintain incident management teams used to manage the response at the local and regional level.   

  • The development of a team for staffing  a Multi-Agency Coordination Center located in existing Emergency Operations Centers.

  • Wildfire and prescribed fire-training services certified nationally by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) and the National Wildfire Suppression Association. These classroom or online courses provided are the S-100 through S-300 courses and the Prescribe Fire courses are P-100 through P-300 and the 8 hour annual (RT-130) Fire line Safety Refresher Training which includes those courses that can be completed online and the validated at a one day field day workshop.

  • Prescribe Fire Services that include site evaluations, plan development and conducting prescribe fires for a client at a specific site. 

  • Field Proficiency Course Development for individuals who need to complete their task books.

  • Specialized Prescribed Fire Workshops for the client who requires training on specific subjects that are 2-4 hours in length. Workshops offered include: Basics of Prescribe Fire Tactics, Introduction to Prescribe Fire Weather, Prescribe Fire Plan development, Prescribe Fire Ignition Techniques. 

  • Create Wildland Urban Interface plans for developers and homeowners that provides information on how the individual home owner can protect their homes from wildfires.

Incident Management Specialist LLC Company Services...